CrossFit Gym in Thunder Bay, Ontario

712 Vickers Street N. Thunder Bay, ON (807) 252-8777

Workout Of The Day

Monday May 6

15 minutes WARM-UP, Mobilize and Socialize! “OHS”, 20 minutes to establish a new 1 RM(record your numbers for the next strength template). Then, “HOLY SMOKES” for time: 10-8-6-4-2 double dumbbell thrusters 50/35# or 35/25#, 250/225 m row, devils press, 250/225 m row(20 minute cap).

Tuesday May 7

15 minutes WARM-UP, Mobilize and Socialize! “Bulgarian rear foot elevated split squats”, emom 1:30 X 10, 5/L-5/R, kettle bells or dumbbells 50/35#. Then, “KRABBY PATTY”, for time: 40/32 cal row, 40 dumbbell hang power snatch 50/35# or 35/25#, 40 sit-ups, 40 dumbbell reverse lunges, 40 sit-ups, 40 snatch, 40/32 cal row***BETWEEN EACH MOVEMENT PERFORM 40 DOUBLE UNDERS(60 singles)-(28 minute cap).***SWITCH HANDS EVERY 5 REPS-HOLD DUMBBELL IN FRONT RACK FOR LUNGES***.

Wednesday May 8

15 minutes WARM-UP, Mobilize and Socialize! “Bench press”, 20 minutes to establish a new 1 RM(record your numbers for the next strength template). Then, “CEMENT MIXER”, on the 3:00 X 7 rounds: 400 m run(500 m row), 12 T2bar(21 minutes).

15 minutes WARM-UP, Mobilize and Socialize! “Squat cleans”, 20 minutes to establish a new 1 RM(record your numbers for the next strength template). Then, “SILENT BUT DEADLY”, amrap 15: 3 deadlifts 225/155# or 185/105#, 6 push-ups, 9 air squats(15 minutes).

Friday May 10

15 minutes WARM-UP, Mobilize and Socialize! “Split jerk”. 20 minutes to establish a new 1 RM(record your numbers for the next strength template). Then,”GREAT SUCCESS”, 3 rft: 500/450 m row, 30 T2bar, 15 power cleans 155/105# or 135/95#, ***DIRECTLY INTO 50 BAR OVER BURPEES***

Saturday May 11

15 minutes WARM-UP, COFFEE TIME! “VASCULR”, teams of 2. 45 amrap, buy-in 100 cal row, 50-40-30-20-10, burpees, double dumbbell deadlifts 35/25#, sit-ups, dumbbell bent over rows, box jumps 24/20″***IN REMAINING TIME AMRAP CALS IS YOUR SCORE***